Happy middle aged woman relaxing on cozy sofa, talking on smartphone with friends. Excited elderly lady chatting sharing news on mobile phone with grown up children, resting in living room alone. • Royalty Free Stock Photo

Royalty Free Stock Image from Shutterstock 1050697258 by fizkes

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Shutterstock ID 1050697258
Added April 18, 2020 (4 years ago)
Ratio 1.896
Duration 00:16
Aspect ratio 1.89:1
Adult NO
Low Resolution size (MOV) 454 x 240 px, 0.8 Mb, 29.97 FPS
Standard Definition size (MOV) 910 x 480 px, 4.7 Mb, 29.97 FPS
HD size (MOV) 2046 x 1080 px, 14.7 Mb, 29.97 FPS
Original UltraHD 4k size (APCH) 4096 x 2160 px, 1,984.7 Mb, 29.97 FPS

Categories: People Technology

50s friend 60s house Adult discussing Affectionate mother Amusement answering Apartment loving Blonde middle Call listening Caller saying Calling well Candid leisure Carefree mature Cell hearing Cellphone user Chatter entertaining Chatting phone Children wellbeing Conversation senior Elderly retiree Emotions woman Enjoying home Excited parent Female speaking Flat away Fun mum Funny granny Good resting Gossip news Grandma joy Grandmother alone Happy pensioner Joyful living Lady glad Looking smartphone Mobile sharing Mom sofa Mommy aged Old tech Older retired People satisfied Person window Positive connection Relaxing weekend Room using Sincere pleasant Sit couch Smiling technology Successful communicating Talking telephone

Happy middle aged woman relaxing on cozy sofa, talking on smartphone with friends. Excited elderly lady chatting sharing news on mobile phone with grown up children, resting in living room alone. is royalty free stock photo by fizkes.
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