Teachers feedback behavior and peer acceptance talented children with special educational needs intimately connected social interaction in elementary inclusive school tutor and students. Down Syndrome • Royalty Free Stock Photo

Royalty Free Stock Image from Shutterstock 1065630775 by Viktor Lom

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Shutterstock ID 1065630775
Added January 16, 2021 (3 years ago)
Ratio 1.778
Duration 00:16
Aspect ratio 16:9
Adult NO
Low Resolution size (MOV) 426 x 240 px, 1.2 Mb, 29.97 FPS
Standard Definition size (MOV) 852 x 480 px, 4.0 Mb, 29.97 FPS
Original HD size (AVC1) 1920 x 1080 px, 31.0 Mb, 29.97 FPS

Categories: People Education

Acceptance talented children portrait indoors Adaptive teaching materials resources art Affects physical cognitive abilities boy Art school artistic expression imagination Assistive technology tools students Behavior feedback inclusive learning Boys talented students teacher speaks Caregivers supporting children celebrating differences Characterized intellectual disabilities developmental delays Child glasses children down syndrome Children educational support happy kids Classrooms promoting social inclusion Collaborative teaching approaches Communication language development Continuously improving educational practices teacher Creating inclusive society for all Creative thinking activities respect tolerance Cultivating positive learning environment lifestyle Development visual arts skills kids Differentiated instruction strategies Diversity classroom opportunities educational success Down syndrome child Early intervention supportive therapies crucial Educational programs promote learning independence Effective support and intervention Empowering students reach their potential Encouraging curiosity exploration Encouraging imaginative play Extracurricular activities and clubs Fostering independence and responsibility Genetic disorder presence extra chromosome Imaginative drawing painting Inclusive classrooms embracing diversity Individualized learning plans knowledge exchange Individuals down syndrome facial features Make picture modified curriculum assessments Mother kids school people lifestyle Paint art paint peer collaboration Promoting independence relationship inclusive education School culture and acceptance Sensory art experiences in kids Sensory integration techniques Social connections and friendships Special education professionals Student support painting educators parent Supporting cognitive development Supporting positive behavior management Teacher preparing students future challenges Unique needs of each child Valuing strengths abilities

Teachers feedback behavior and peer acceptance talented children with special educational needs intimately connected social interaction in elementary inclusive school tutor and students. Down Syndrome is royalty free stock photo by Viktor Lom.
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