Paper waste sorting concept. Recycling segregated metal garbage. Green ecology in city. Plastic trash infrastructure bin on streets. Glass wastes disposing can. Organic garbage disposal separation. • Royalty Free Stock Photo

Royalty Free Stock Image from Shutterstock 1083666010 by SibRapid

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Shutterstock ID 1083666010
Added December 10, 2021 (2 years ago)
Ratio 1.778
Duration 00:12
Aspect ratio 16:9
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Low Resolution size (MOV) 426 x 240 px, 1.1 Mb, 50 FPS
Standard Definition size (MOV) 852 x 480 px, 3.5 Mb, 50 FPS
HD size (MOV) 1920 x 1080 px, 17.7 Mb, 50 FPS
Original UltraHD 4k size (APCN) 3840 x 2160 px, 1,343.4 Mb, 50 FPS

Categories: Nature Signs/Symbols

Air paper Bins segregation Cans wasted Change organics Cities metal Clean collecting Climate organic Consumption collection Disposals papers Disposing papers Dustbin concept Eco-friendly Ecology garbage Environment segregated European union Examples glass Future sorts Garbage recycles Generations separations Green garbage Keeping nature Leftover metals Metal reduction New recycled People wasting Planets glass Plastic infrastructure Pollution organics Portugal streets Portuguese europe Preservation cardboards Protection segregating Public metals Recycling sorted Reducing cardboard Renewal sort Reuse dump Rubbish plastic Saving separate Segregation wastes Separating organic Separation glass Society garbage Soil segregations Sorting glass Standing bucket Sustainable plastic Trashed plastic Waste recycle Water paper

Paper waste sorting concept. Recycling segregated metal garbage. Green ecology in city. Plastic trash infrastructure bin on streets. Glass wastes disposing can. Organic garbage disposal separation. is royalty free stock photo by SibRapid.
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