Two Indian male and female office employees walk in modern workspace hallway, discuss common task, using digital tablet device, mentor helps to intern with work during informal meeting during break • Royalty Free Stock Photo

Royalty Free Stock Image from Shutterstock 1096877201 by fizkes

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Shutterstock ID 1096877201
Added November 17, 2022 (1 year ago)
Ratio 1.896
Duration 00:22
Aspect ratio 1.89:1
Adult NO
Low Resolution size (MOV) 454 x 240 px, 0.9 Mb, 29.97 FPS
Standard Definition size (MOV) 910 x 480 px, 2.9 Mb, 29.97 FPS
HD size (MOV) 2046 x 1080 px, 14.4 Mb, 29.97 FPS
Original UltraHD 4k size (APCH) 4096 x 2160 px, 2,109.1 Mb, 29.97 FPS

Categories: People Technology

Agenda informing Allocate teammates App share Appealing workday Apprentice office Ask information Assistance compare Business ethnicity Businessman solve Businesspeople meeting Businesswoman tablet Career discuss Ceo talk Coaching skilled Collaboration teach Colleagues chatting Commercial intern Communication consult Conduct check Cooperation work Coordinate decide Corporate members Corridor walk Developing diary Digital interaction Electronic manager Employees engaged Executive speak Explain calendar Hallway modern Indian entrepreneurs Informal conversation Instruct organizer Internet showing Job application Man answer Marketing question Mentoring Organize data People tell Planning together Professional guidance Project software Review website Teamwork tech Technology workspace Two company Watching using Woman 30s

Two Indian male and female office employees walk in modern workspace hallway, discuss common task, using digital tablet device, mentor helps to intern with work during informal meeting during break is royalty free stock photo by fizkes.
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